Monday 4 March 2013

Step 1......The Book

So tonight I sat down with my new book 'Hypnotic Gastric Band' by Paul McKenna.......must admit I would prefer to have been snuggled up with a good crime fiction book but hey if I'm gonna lose weight this is one thing I just have to sit through.

To be honest for 90min read it wasn't too bad. The book starts with explaining about how the programme was put together and about the trials and then goes on to explain about how a physical gastric band would be fitted. The latter is apparently an important part as your brain will need to recognise the preparation the body needs to go through before, during and after the band is fitted. The rest of the book is then all about training your body to kick the bad habits but also about the Four Golden Rules you must adhere to to help make this all work:
Golden Rule 1: When You are Hungry, EAT!..........Ok I can do that :)

Golden Rule 2: Eat What You Want, And Not What You Think You Should.......I can defo do that :-D

Golden Rule 3: Whenever You Eat Do It a nut shell eat slowly savouring every mouthful, at a table, with no TV.....a little more complicated as I enjoy a good episode or 2 of House while scoffing!.....but I'll try :-/

Golden Rule 4: When You Think You Are Full, STOP Eating!........Well this makes sense :)

Unfortunately though you can't really just jump into the hypnosis bit as you have to 'prepare your body for surgery' basically start walking at least 20 mins a day and cutting out high fat/sugar foods for at least a few days to shrink your liver.....or something. I'm hoping to start the actual hypnosis part on Saturday, but in the mean time I can move on to the next step, the DVD!! This is a quick video on a technique called Havening which I'll need to learn by heart to help boost my serotonin levels (the chemical that makes you feel happy).......anywho I will be watching this DVD tmw so I will report back on that.

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